My Purpose.

The purpose of AdriFit is to spread love to all by focusing on 3 main core values: mental health, fitness, and nutrition, in that order. These are the keys to an effective health and wellness lifestyle. Before anyone should start anything in life, our mindset and overall mental health should be addressed first before anything else. We worked so hard to get to where we are now, why do we put our mental health check-in last on our list? Your results will not be as effective or will not be achieved if you start without a positive mindset.

AdriFit’s goal is to provide knowledge and tips from her 3 main core values that have shown to work for her clients and to see what you feel is best for YOU. We are all different and may struggle with self-love, so why not use this time to prioritize yourself?

Mental Health.

You have to make sure you put yourself in check mentally before you start anything in life. This is the first step of your foundation towards achieving long-term, genuine goals. We are a lot stronger mentally and physically than we think we are. We are always worrying about how we look, but how we feel is what should be addressed first.


We have worked hard to get to where we are now, putting pressure on ourselves to achieve unrealistic goals, only sets us back from constantly competing with ourselves in an unhealthy way. We can still compete with ourselves, but for the purpose of challenge and improvement.


The Self-Controlled Nutrition plan allows you to develop a healthier relationship with food. Portion control and moderation are the main keys to a healthy lifestyle. That’s it. Not a short-term and temporary diet, not an all green and no fat or no carb diet, and no skipping meals. Showing your body love for working hard and nourishing it with food that YOU want to eat helps you achieve being your own standard of fitness.